Showing posts with label SQL Server Reporting Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Server Reporting Services. Show all posts

May 1, 2020

SSRS Conf. Manager is not working, then how to take Reporting Services Encryption Key backup.

The rskeymgmt utility can be found in the binn sub-directory of your SQL Server install directory. On my local server, it resides in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn. Of course depending on the install process, your location may be different. Opening the command prompt and navigating to this directory, we can run rskeymgmt -?


Extract / Backup the Key

To "backup" or extract our key, we would issue the following command: rskeymgmt.exe -e -f c:\tools\SSRS2012_key -p WeAreSecureT0day -i SQL2012.

For this command we specify the location where the key should be saved via the -f argument and a password for the key file via the -p argument. Note when you use the -f argument, you must also specify a password with the -p argument. As shown next, the key is extracted to the noted location; you even get a warning to "SECURE THE FILE IN A SAFE LOCATION".