Showing posts with label Power Shell Script. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Shell Script. Show all posts

Oct 27, 2022

Read a big file using PowerShell

# Command-Format: Get-Content 'your-file-path' -Tail <number-of-line>

Get-Content '.\mylargefile.txt' -Tail 5000 # Get-Content D:\MyBigFeedFile.txt | Select-Object -skip 123798766555672 -first 6

Jun 28, 2022

AOG on Azure Blob with a different region SQL Server instance

Hello there, everyone! I hope everything is going well for you. Today, I'll show you AOG on Azure Blob with different region SQL Server Instance.

Ø Created SQL disk layout and formatted with 64K-

·       Disk E: SQL Binaries

·       Disk T: TempDB

·       Disk R: User Databases

·       Disk L: User DB transaction logs

Ø SQL Server Memory Configuration as per memory installed on the server-

It reserves memory and caches data into memory to decrease access to disk drives

Increase performance.

Configured value is the environment is 12800/16383 MB.

Ø TempDB Configuration as per processor count-

SQL Server uses tempdb database to store user objects, internal objects and version

stores. Number of tempdb recommended as per processer count.

Configured value is the environment is 4 with equal file size.

Ø Changed SQL Port from default to 34256-  

It highly recommended to not to use default port.

Ø SQL Server Engine and Agent Service Account changed-

Startup accounts used to start and run SQL Server can be domain user accountslocal user accountsmanaged service accountsvirtual accounts, or built-in system accounts. To start and run, each service in SQL Server must have a startup account configured during installation.

Ø Grant Lock Pages in Memory enabled for SQL Service Account-

Use to process to keep data in physical memory.

Prevent the system from paging the data to virtual memory on disk.

Locking pages in memory may boost performance

Ø Latest Patch (CU16) installed on the SQL box-

For security and performance benefit, we installed latest DB patch on the DB server.

Ø DB backup configuration on Azure Blob URL- 

The SQL Server Credential stores this authentication information and is used during the

backup or restore operations.

Ø Enabled AOAG on SQL Instance For-

·      HA solution.

·      Automatic or Manual Failover.

·      Enhanced Performance.

·      Combined HA / DR.

·      Zero Data Loss Protection.

Ø Enabled SQL Brower services for DAC-

SQL Server uses the SQL Server Browser service to enumerate instances of the Database Engine installed on the computer. Also, it enables DAC to be connect remotely.

Ø Renamed and disabled sa login-

This is to protect from attackers trying to login as the sa login.

Ø Enabled instant file initialization for data files-

Instant file initialization allows for faster execution of the previously mentioned file operations, since it reclaims used disk space without filling that space with zeros. Instead, disk content is overwritten as new data is written to the files.

Ø Opened Bi-directional ports between both the DB nodes.  3022 for AG and 34256 for SQL Server-

Bidirectional is a communications mode that is capable of transmitting data in both directions (send and receive).

This was done as a part of AG configuration.

Ø Configured Cloud File-share witness on Windows Failover Cluster-

A Windows File Share Witness is a file share that is available to all nodes in a high availability (HA) cluster.

The job of the Witness is to provide an additional quorum vote, when necessary, to ensure that a cluster continues to run in the event of a site outage.

Ø Limit auto growth of the database-

SQL Database Auto-growth is a procedure due to which SQL Server engine expands its database size when all its space runs out.

The amount due to which the size of database file grows is based on the settings, which is for the growth of file option for database.

Ø Enabled optimize for adhoc workloads-

The optimize for ad hoc workloads option is used to improve the efficiency of the plan

cache for workloads that contain many single use ad hoc batches. 

Ø DB migration from the current prod environment to the newly built environment-

DB migration is moving data from one or more source platforms to another target database. There are several reasons for migrating from one database to another.

Ø Enabled DAC to connect remotely-

DAC is an acronym for Dedicated Admin Connection: a tool for connecting to SQL Server so you can run basic troubleshooting queries in cases of serious performance problems.

Ø Hide DB instance on network-

There is an option to allow to hide an instance of SQL Server, so the name of the

instance is not exposed to other machines on your network.

Ø Set compressed DB backup as default settings-

A compressed backup is smaller than an uncompressed backup of the same data, compressing a backup typically requires less device I/O and therefore usually increases backup speed significantly.

Ø Configure DNN Listener with Port 34257-

DNN listeners are especially useful in Azure VM environments, as they eliminate the need to configure Azure Load Balancers, thus simplifying the configuration and setup.  

Ø How to configure Distributed Network Name (DNN) Listener-

Here we have to configure DNN Listener with the help of Windows PowerShell script as given below-

  •       Open the Windows PowerShell and paste this script and execute this script.
  •       After that it ask for AG name and Listener name and port no.
  •       This is Script for configure DNN Listener as given below-

 param (





 Write-Host "Add a DNN listener for availability group $Ag with DNS name $Dns and port $Port"

 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

 # create the DNN resource with the port as the resource name

Add-ClusterResource -Name $Port -ResourceType "Distributed Network Name" -Group $Ag


# set the DNS name of the DNN resource

Get-ClusterResource -Name $Port | Set-ClusterParameter -Name DnsName -Value $Dns

# start the DNN resource

Start-ClusterResource -Name $Port

$Dep = Get-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource $Ag

if ( $Dep.DependencyExpression -match '\s*\((.*)\)\s*' )


$DepStr = "$($Matches.1) or [$Port]"




$DepStr = "[$Port]"


Write-Host "$DepStr"

# add the Dependency from availability group resource to the DNN resource

Set-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource $Ag -Dependency "$DepStr"

#bounce the AG resource

Stop-ClusterResource -Name $Ag

Start-ClusterResource -Name $Ag 

Ø DB Backup Policy-

Full Backup – A data backup that contains all the data in a specific database or set of filegroups or files, and also enough log to allow for recovering that data.

Occurs Every Week on Sunday at 12 AM IST.

Differential Backup – A differential partial backup records only the data extents that have changed in the filegroups since the previous partial backup.

It occurs daily at 09 PM IST. 

Log Backup – A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records that were not backed up in a previous log backup. 

It occurs every 15 minutes.

Here, we are keeping 30 days backup on Blob Storage Disk.

Ø DB Mail Configuration-

Database Mail is a solution for sending e-mail messages from the SQL Server Database Engine to users.

Using Database Mail, applications can send e-mail messages.

Configured Mail Profile Account Name. 

Ø DB HA Configuration Report-

May 10, 2020


The DBCC IND statement takes three parameters like this:

DBCC IND(0,'dbo.SalesOrderDetailList',1);

First parameter is the database id. If you pass in 0 here, the current database is used.

Second parameter is the table name in quotes. You can also pass in the object_id of the table instead of the quoted name like this:

DBCC IND(0,1797581442,1);

Third parameter is the index_id. There is an optional fourth parameter that allows us to specify the partition_id if we are only interested in a single partition.

DBCC IND(0,'dbo.SalesOrderDetailList',1);