May 1, 2020

SSRS Conf. Manager is not working, then how to take Reporting Services Encryption Key backup.

The rskeymgmt utility can be found in the binn sub-directory of your SQL Server install directory. On my local server, it resides in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn. Of course depending on the install process, your location may be different. Opening the command prompt and navigating to this directory, we can run rskeymgmt -?


Extract / Backup the Key

To "backup" or extract our key, we would issue the following command: rskeymgmt.exe -e -f c:\tools\SSRS2012_key -p WeAreSecureT0day -i SQL2012.

For this command we specify the location where the key should be saved via the -f argument and a password for the key file via the -p argument. Note when you use the -f argument, you must also specify a password with the -p argument. As shown next, the key is extracted to the noted location; you even get a warning to "SECURE THE FILE IN A SAFE LOCATION".

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