Showing posts with label Monitoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monitoring. Show all posts

Aug 17, 2022

SQL Server's in-memory OLTP technology

Hey guys, In this blog I am going to explain you about SQL Server's in-memory OLTP technology.


A native stored procedure compiler and specialized, memory-optimized relational data management engine are both built into SQL Server as part of In-Memory OLTP. For the most demanding OLTP workloads, Microsoft created In-Memory OLTP. In many instances, the DURABILITY = SCHEMA ONLY option can be used to generate memory-optimized tables in order to completely avoid logging and I/O.

The following principles are introduced by in-memory OLTP:

  1. Optimized tables and indexes for in-memory
  2. Traditional temporary tables and non-durable tables
  3. Memory-optimized table type for table variables and natively built stored procedures - This can take the place of transient objects.

In-Memory OLTP systems' effects-

  1. Quicker response time, greater throughput, and low latency
  2. High performance
  3. extreme performance
  4. An optimistic concurrency paradigm, along with improved concurrency management, can result in zero or no lock escalation management.

How is in-memory OLTP recommended?

Consider the possible advantages of switching to in-memory OLTP if the system meets one or more of the following conditions.

  1. Applications that currently use SQL Server (or other relational databases) and need to scale up and perform better
  2. RDBMS with database bottlenecks, primarily related to locking/latching or code execution

Jul 21, 2022

Performance counters for disk usage

 Hey guys, In this blog I am going to explain you about different performance counters and how to monitor these counters.

Performance counters - Performance counters are bits of code that monitor, count, or measure events in software, which allow us to see patterns from a high-level view. They are registered with the operating system during installation of the software, allowing anyone with the proper permissions to view them.

Some important counters are given below,                                                        

·      Average Disk Sec/Read

·      Average Disk Sec/Write

·      Average Disk Queue Length

Average Disk Sec/Read - Average Disk Sec/Read is an important performance disk counter that shows the average time in seconds that is needed to read data from the disk. Also, it explains the disk latency.

Both the logical and physical disc object levels have these counters. The time it takes to complete each read serves as the value for this counter. The speed of the system increases with the amount of time required to read or write data. if we get a counter value of more than 20ms, it means that our disk is not performing well.

How to monitor Average Disk Sec/Read

Step -1: Go to start -> Performance monitor -> monitor tools -> Performance monitor -> Add counter -> Physical Disk -> Average Disk sec/Read -> Add -> Ok 

Fig -1 

Average Disk Sec/Write - Average Disk Sec/Write is also an important counter that shows the average time in seconds that is needed to

write data to disk. Also, it explains the disk latency.

Both logical and physical disc levels can keep track of this counter. The value of this counter is typically the time it takes to do each read.

The faster the system, the less time is required to read or write data.

If we constantly get a counter value of more than 20ms then it means our disk is not performing well.

How to monitor Average Disk sec/Write-

Step -1: Go to start -> Performance monitor -> monitor tools -> Performance monitor -> Add counter -> Physical Disk -> Average 
Disk sec/Write -> Add -> Ok
Fig -4

Average Disk queue length -Average Disk Queue Length counter shows us the average number of read and write requests that were

queued on the selected physical disk.

Average Disk Read Queue Length and Average Disk Write Queue Length are alternative performance disc counters to check if this

value frequently exceeds its threshold.

We may use this to determine if a high Average Disk Queue Length is the result of a high read or write operation. Less than 2 is the

suggested value for this counter for each separate disc.

How to monitor Average Disk queue length
Step -1: Go to start -> Performance monitor -> monitor tools -> Performance monitor -> Add counter -> Physical Disk -> 
Average Disk queue length -> Add -> Ok
Fig -5

Fig -6

Jul 11, 2022

Memory Grants Pending

Hello there, everyone! I hope everything is going well for you. Today In this blog I am going to explain you about Memory Grants Pending and How to monitor it.

Memory Grants Pending-

The number of processes that are pending a workspace memory grant is known as Pending. Because they are unable to acquire adequate RAM while awaiting a grant, queries cannot begin. A persistent value of more than 2 can be a sign of memory pressure.

Here is a quick script which you run to identify value for your Memory Grants Pending.


With the help of this query you can easily find out the Memory Grants Pending


If this parameter is frequently higher than 0, your server may be under memory pressure and could benefit from more memory. Once more, this counter shows that your server may benefit from extra memory.

Jul 10, 2022

Page Life Expectancy (PLE) in SQL Server

Hey guys, In this blog I am going to explain you about Page Life Expectancy and How to monitor it.

Page Life Expectancy (PLE)-

Page Life Expectancy (PLE) is an age of a data page in seconds in the buffer cache or buffer memory after querying the tables with the loading data page into the buffer memory. Page Life Expectancy value indicates the memory pressure in allocated memory to the SQL Server instance.

To measure the Page Life Expectancy, there are two methods

Method-1: Using SQL Server Query,

With the help of a T-SQL command, obtain PLE for your SQL Server instance-

select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where counter_name like '%page life%'


In this case, cntr value stands in for the PLE, which in the results of the previous query is 29570. We always presume that the buffer memory lake is affecting query speed and that SQL Server does not have enough buffer pool space to store the data.

Method-2: Using Performance monitor,

Monitoring Page Life Expectancy-

An important way to gauge the pressure on the buffer memory in terms of seconds is to use the PLE counter value. Users can record it using SSMS, any other external tools, or Microsoft Performance Monitor; it always produces an average result. The T-SQL code above allows users to find the current value. Still, investigation is needed in a certain time frame to determine whether fluctuations occur at a particular point in time. By adding the PLE counter, users can utilize the Windows Performance Monitor to track the same.

Step 1- Go to the search option in Jump Station and log in to the server.

Step 2- Go to the SQL Server Buffer Manager in the performance monitoring tool on the server.

Step 3- In SQL Server Buffer Manager Search Page Life expectancy and this PLE option to the add counter.





The PLE graph is displayed here with the help of Performance Monitoring Tools.

How to Determine the Life Expectancy of a Page-

We agree to a 300-second rule set by Microsoft. Memory pressure is particularly severe if PLE lasts shorter than 300 seconds (5 minutes), and we must take care of the performance side. However, that computation only included 4GB of memory for the SQL Server. 


There are numerous more buffer manager parameters in addition to PLE (Page Life Expectancy) that might impact SQL Server speed. If detected, we can assume that the primary problem is buffer memory pressure. Nowadays, larger memory boxes are prevalent, and PLE in the thousands is also relatively frequent.

Jul 8, 2022

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Hey guys, In this blog I am going to explain you about Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio- It is a pool of memory pages into which data pages are read. In other words, the data pages which are read from Disk are stored in Memory (Cache) to provide data faster. When a Data Read request is submitted, what SQL Engine does is it will go to disk retrieve the data from disk and place it in Memory (Cache) and return back the requested data. How this helps? When the request to same data pages is sent next time, there is no need to go to Disk again, it just reads from Cache and returns the data making data retrieval faster and there by less IO Operations. So, what are the impact when my buffer cache hit ratio is low, how does it impact performance.

Let’s us take an example. Say that you see that the Buffer Cache hit ratio (query is below to find the buffer cache hit ratio) is around 95% when you request data. This mean 95 times out of 100 requests; SQL was able to provide data from Memory(cache) and only 5 times it had to go to Disk.

SELECT (a.cntr_value * 1.0 / b.cntr_value) * 100.0 as BufferCacheHitRatio

FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters  a


    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters 

    WHERE counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio base'

        AND OBJECT_NAME = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager') b ON  a.OBJECT_NAME = b.OBJECT_NAME

WHERE a.counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio'

AND a.OBJECT_NAME = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager'

--BufferCacheHitRatio is between 90% to 100% then all is good.

--BufferCacheHitRatio is less than 90% then we need to think other counters.

select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where

object_name like '%SQLServer:Buffer Manager%'and counter_name like '%buffer ca%'

Low buffer cache results in High IO operations and thus leading to low performance.

Ø To measure the Buffer Cache Hit Ratio trend, there are two methods

Method-1: Using Performance monitor,

                   Go to Search ->Type Performance monitor -> Monitoring tools -> 

                   Performance monitor -> Add counter -> SQL Server Buffer Manager -> 

                   Buffer cache hit ratio



Method-2: Using SQL Server Query,

SELECT (a.cntr_value * 1.0 / b.cntr_value) * 100.0 as BufferCacheHitRatio

FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters  a


    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters 

    WHERE counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio base'

        AND OBJECT_NAME = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager') b ON  a.OBJECT_NAME = b.OBJECT_NAME

WHERE a.counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio'

AND a.OBJECT_NAME = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager'

Jun 3, 2022

New features of SQL Server 2022

Hello guys, hope you are doing well. In this blog I'm going to discuss about the "New features of SQL Server 2022" 

The release of the SQL Server 2022 is much anticipated by the audience since the announcement of it being in the works on November 2nd, 2021. Although the complete details of this brand-new version will be brought to light in due time as it is currently in private preview. However, Microsoft has already disclosed its key features that the audience should look forward to.

Although most of the product’s features are still private, the released information has introduced some unique new performance-based features in the SQL Server 2022. Here is a detailed list of what you’d be working with once you get your hands on the product: 

1. Performance Improvement: This feature enables SQL Server to build better execution plans and potentially multiple execution plans, the performance of which depends on the parameter values that are provided at runtime.

The Query Store can now help resolve performance issues related to the MAXDOP (maximum degree of parallelism) setting, memory grants, and the cardinality estimator using a feedback cycle to adapt and improve query execution plans. Finally, Query Store now supports availability group (AG) read-only replicas. 

2.  High Availability and Connection Improvements: In SQL Server 2022, you may construct a distributed AG between an on-premises SQL Server and an Azure SQL Managed Instance (MI) for use as a disaster recovery backup server or as a read-only replica for reporting workloads, making high availability even better. With a few clicks, you may manually failover to the MI and back to the on-prem SQL Server.

3. Security and Governance Improvements: Using "blockchain" technologies, the  new functionality creates an immutable record of data alterations throughout time. This safeguards data from tampering, which is important in some contexts and use cases, as well as providing benefits for internal and external audits. Microsoft's initial feature set has been developed into a more comprehensive data governance platform. Purview now has tighter integration with SQL Server and Azure SQL, allowing you to scan SQL Server for metadata, classify data using common classifier labels and tagging (such as PII or HIPAA data), and configure and control specific SQL Server access rights and privileges from a single Azure Purview console.

4.  Query Store and Intelligent Query Processing: The SQL Server 2022 ensures that the Query Store will be available on all new databases on the server. It addresses the common issue in the previous models by allowing write access from readable secondaries. This feature will enable transparency into activity on secondary replicas. However, if a database from the older version of SQL is accessed, the Query Store will have to be manually enabled.

5. Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: In older SQL Server versions, input parameters at the time of storage had an impact on certain stored processes. Parameter Sniffing was the popular name for this problem. One of the unique features of SQL Server 2022 is the Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization, which allows you to cache multiple parameter-sensitive queries while procedures are being saved. This will assist you avoid having to alter your code by using the recompile option or allocating the values of the input parameter to variables within the procedure.

6.  TempDB and Latch: During SQL Service Performance Tuning in older SQL server versions, 1 out of 10 clients would struggle with TempDB and Latch. Although you can address it in multiple ways, the practice took valuable time and energy. The SQL Server 2022 addresses these issues by enhancements to the TempDB database and the Memory Optimized TempDB Metadata. Experts are hopeful that clients will not struggle with these issues with the release of this new version.


7.  Bidirectional HA/DR to Azure SQL Managed Instance: For enhanced data backup and security, SQL Server 2022 adds Bidirectional HA/DR to Azure SQL Managed Instance. It allows you to connect a database to the cloud in only a few clicks. This not only saves money, time, and labour by eliminating the technicalities of data storage via hardware and virtual machines, but it also encourages better backup and recovery methods. It creates an Availability Group (AG) between a SQL Server and an on-premises Azure SQL Managed Instance.

8.  Azure Synapse Link: The Azure Synapse Link helps move data from an on-premises SQL Server to Synapse without ETL. It captures the changes in the server and feeds them to Azure Synapse Analytics. The Synapse link puts minimal strain on operating systems when conducting real-time analysis and analytical processing. It fastens data transfer and increases the connectivity of the data to other robust analytic programs.

9.  SQL Server Ledger: In comparison to the competition, SQL Server has experienced fewer security concerns in the recent decade. The new SQL Server Ledger, on the other hand, secures data even further by maintaining an immutable record of any changes made to the data or stored processes. The ledger prevents unauthorized parties from tampering with or corrupting the data, lowering the chance of a security breach.

10.Multi-Write Replication: Previously, when rewritten data clashed with different clones of the same database, the dispute had to be manually resolved. SQL Server 2022, on the other hand, addresses this problem by adding the concept of 'last write wins.' As a result, if a conflict between duplicates arises, the most recent rewrite will take precedence and be copied to all copies.

 --By Harigovind Gupta (Software Engineer)

    Clota Technology