Apr 8, 2024

Cloning In Oracle

In the context of Oracle databases, "cloning" typically refers to the process of creating an exact replica of a database, usually for purposes such as testing, development, or disaster recovery. There are several methods for cloning an Oracle database, each with its own advantages and use cases. Here's an overview of some common cloning methods in Oracle:

 RMAN (Recovery Manager) Cloning: RMAN is a powerful Oracle utility for backup and recovery operations. With RMAN, you can create a clone of a database by taking a backup of the source database and then restoring it to a different location. RMAN also provides options for efficiently copying data files and performing point-in-time recovery if needed.

RMAN Client: The RMAN client is the interface through which database administrators interact with RMAN to perform backup, recovery, and cloning tasks. Administrators use RMAN commands and scripts to initiate and manage database operations.


Control File: The control file is a critical component of the Oracle database that stores metadata about the database structure, including data file locations, redo log file information, and backup details. RMAN interacts with the control file to obtain information necessary for backup and recovery operations.


RMAN Repository: RMAN maintains a repository that stores metadata and configuration information related to backup and recovery operations. The repository can be stored in either the control file, a recovery catalog (a separate database schema created specifically for RMAN metadata), or both.


Channel: RMAN channels are mechanisms for communicating between the RMAN client and the database server during backup and recovery operations. Channels can be allocated for different tasks, such as reading data files, writing backup sets, or performing parallel operations.


Media Management Software: RMAN relies on media management software to perform backup and restore operations to physical storage devices, such as tape drives, disk arrays, or cloud storage. Media management software provides the interface between RMAN and the storage devices, handling tasks such as data transfer, compression, and encryption.


Data Files: Data files are the primary storage components of an Oracle database, containing user data, indexes, and other database objects. RMAN interacts with data files to back them up, restore them, and create copies during cloning or recovery operations.


Redo Logs: Redo logs are files that record changes made to the database, enabling recovery of transactions in the event of a failure. RMAN uses redo logs during recovery operations to apply changes and bring the database to a consistent state.


Backup Sets and Image Copies: RMAN can create backups in the form of backup sets (collections of data blocks) or image copies (exact duplicates of data files). These backups are stored in the configured backup destination, such as disk or tape.


Recovery Catalog (Optional): In addition to the control file repository, RMAN can use a recovery catalog database to store metadata and configuration information. The recovery catalog provides additional flexibility and management capabilities, especially in environments with multiple databases.



Data Pump Export/Import: Oracle Data Pump is another utility that allows you to export and import database objects and data. You can use Data Pump to export the schema(s) or the entire database from the source environment and then import it into the target environment. This method is suitable for smaller databases or when you need to clone specific schemas.

Export Process:

1. When you run expdp, it connects to the source database and reads metadata about the objects to be exported.

2. It then creates one or more dump files containing the exported data and metadata.

3. These dump files are stored in the specified directory.

expdp username/password@database_name schemas=schema_name directory=dir_name dumpfile=export.dmp

Data Pump Import (impdp):

Importing Data:


Data Pump Import (impdp) is used to import data and metadata into Oracle databases.

It reads the dump files created by expdp and loads the data and metadata into the target database.

Similar to expdp, you can import entire databases, specific schemas, tablespaces, or individual tables.

Import Process:


When you run impdp, it connects to the target database and reads the dump files created by expdp.

It then loads the data and metadata into the target database based on the specified parameters.

You can control various aspects of the import process such as parallelism, data transformation, error handling, etc.


impdp username/password@database_name directory=dir_name dumpfile=export.dmp schemas=schema_name


Cold Backup: This method involves shutting down the source database, copying its data files to the target location, and then starting up the database in the target environment. While this approach is straightforward, it requires downtime for the source database during the cloning process.


Oracle Database Cold Backup:

Oracle Cold Database backup is rarely used these days. DBAs hardly take cold database backup but sometimes it is important to take one before decommissioning a database.

• Key points

• Take Cold Backup


Key Points

• Backup is a copy of original data which will be used to recover databases

• If the data is reproducible and backup not existing, still we can recover the data. But it is a tedious and time consuming task

• Taking backup after shutting down the database is called cold backup and because no transactions exist, the backup will be consistent

• In real time, we will perform cold backup very rarely


Take Cold Backup

SQL> select name from v$datafile;

SQL> select member from v$logfile;

SQL> select name from v$controlfile;

SQL> shutdown immediate


[oracle@server1 ~]$ mkdir /u03/coldbkp

[oracle@server1 ~]$ cp /datafiles/prod/*.dbf /u03/coldbkp

[oracle@server1 ~]$ cp /datafiles/prod/*.log /u03/coldbkp

[oracle@server1 ~]$ cp /datafiles/prod/*.ctl /u03/coldbkp

[oracle@server1 ~]$ cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/*.ora /u03/coldbkp

[oracle@server1 ~]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"


SQL> startup

SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;

Archives are not required to be copied with cold backup.


Oracle GoldenGate: Oracle GoldenGate is a data replication and integration tool that enables real-time data movement between heterogeneous systems. It can be used for database cloning by continuously capturing changes from the source database and applying them to the target database, keeping the two databases in sync.


Real-time Data Integration: GoldenGate captures changes made to data in source systems and delivers them in real-time to target systems, ensuring that the data is synchronized across multiple databases and platforms.


High Availability and Disaster Recovery: GoldenGate provides solutions for high availability and disaster recovery by replicating data in real-time from primary systems to standby systems, allowing for rapid failover and minimal data loss in case of system failures.


Data Warehousing and Reporting: GoldenGate facilitates data replication and consolidation for data warehousing and reporting purposes, enabling organizations to analyze data from multiple sources in real-time.


Data Migration and Upgrades: GoldenGate can be used to migrate data between different database platforms or versions with minimal downtime, allowing organizations to upgrade their systems or move data to new environments seamlessly.


Business Intelligence and Analytics: GoldenGate enables real-time data feeds for business intelligence and analytics applications, providing up-to-date information for decision-making processes.


Here are some key features and components of Oracle GoldenGate:


Extract Process: The Extract process captures data changes (inserts, updates, deletes) from the source database's transaction logs (redo logs or archive logs) in real-time.


Data Pump Process: The Data Pump process collects captured data from the Extract process and writes it to trail files.


Replicat Process: The Replicat process reads data from trail files and applies it to the target database, ensuring that changes are replicated accurately and efficiently.


Manager Process: The Manager process is responsible for managing GoldenGate processes, monitoring their status, and handling administrative tasks.


Trail Files: Trail files are used to store captured data changes in a platform-independent format, allowing for easy transfer and replication of data between different systems.


Checkpointing: GoldenGate uses checkpoints to track the progress of data replication, ensuring that transactions are replicated in the correct order and consistency is maintained between source and target systems.


Oracle Database Cloning Tools: Oracle offers additional tools such as Oracle Database Cloning Assistant for Standalone Database, Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Clone Database, and Oracle Cloud Control Database Clone feature. These tools provide user-friendly interfaces and automation capabilities for cloning databases.

Oracle provides several tools and methods for cloning databases, each suited for different scenarios and requirements. Here are some commonly used Oracle database cloning tools:


RMAN (Recovery Manager):


RMAN can be used for creating clones of databases using the DUPLICATE command.

It allows for point-in-time cloning, enabling you to create a clone of the database at a specific moment.

RMAN cloning can be disk-based or tape-based, depending on the backup destination.

RMAN provides flexibility in terms of customization and automation during the cloning process.

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM):


Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a graphical user interface for managing Oracle databases, including cloning operations.

OEM allows for easy and intuitive cloning of databases with minimal manual intervention.

It provides features for scheduling and monitoring cloning jobs, as well as managing post-cloning tasks.

Data Pump Export/Import:


Oracle Data Pump is a utility for exporting and importing database objects and data.

It can be used for cloning by exporting data from the source database and importing it into a new database instance.

Data Pump export/import is suitable for smaller databases or when specific customization is required during the cloning process.

Manual Cloning (Cold Cloning):


Manual cloning involves manually copying database files (data files, control files, redo logs, etc.) from the source database to the target location.

This method is typically used for non-production environments or when other cloning methods are not feasible.

Manual cloning requires downtime for the source database during the copy process and may not be suitable for large databases.

Snap Clone:


Oracle Snap Clone is a feature available with Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Database 12c and later versions.

It enables rapid provisioning of database clones using storage snapshots.

Snap Clone leverages storage technologies to create space-efficient copies of databases, minimizing storage requirements and improving cloning speed.


Snapshot Cloning: Some storage solutions offer snapshot-based cloning, where a point-in-time snapshot of the source database's storage is taken, and clones are created from that snapshot. This method can be very fast and efficient but requires compatible storage infrastructure.

When choosing a cloning method, consider factors such as database size, downtime requirements, data consistency, and available resources. It's also essential to carefully plan and test the cloning process to ensure the integrity of the cloned database and minimize any potential disruptions to production environments.


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