Jun 14, 2023

Update Patch Error: Failed to retrieve data for this request.


Update Patch Error: Failed to retrieve data for this request.

Step: 1– Login to the Primary Server and install Cumulative Update (CU20) on the Server.

                Double click on Cumulative patch Update and Install the update.

                When the Dialog box opens, Click on Yes

While installing the Patch in the cluster Environment, if you get the following error then you need to check the Remote Registry Services.

In my case when I checked on Internet, I found that in my Secondary Server Remote Registry Services is Disabled.

Step: 2- Now, In Search, Type Services and click on Enter.

               In Services, Search for Remote Registry Service.

               I found that on a Primary Server, it was Enabled.

But, on a Secondary Server, it was Disabled.

So, I Enabled the Remote Registry Service on a Secondary Server

After Enabling the Remote Registry Service, I again tried to install the Patch.

Now, it gets installed successfully and I didn’t face any issue. 

Now, the issue gets resolved and the update setup box opens.

Steps to install Cumulative Update-

Step: 1- Click on the checkbox and accept the License terms.

Step: 2- In Select Features, go with default.

               Click on Next>

Step: 3- Click on Next

Step: 4– As shown below, Setup is ready to Update

               Click on Update.

Step: 5- Update is in Progress.

Step- 6: Click on Close.


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