Jun 19, 2022

Steps to configure Hide DB Instance

Hey guys, In this blog I am going to explain you about "Hide DB Instance"

STEP -1: To begin, start SSMS and connect to the server.

 Click the drop-down menu in Server name and select <Browse for more>

 STEP -2: Expand Database Engine in Network Servers and look for any servers 
                 connected to Database Engine, as shown below.

                 Now, if you want to hide this Server, go through the below procedures.

STEP -3: Type mstsc into the search box and select the server on which you want to 

                 Hide DB Instance.

      On a server, type SQL Server 2019 Network configuration in the search box. 

STEP -4: Go to SQL Server Network configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER -

                 > Right click -> Properties -> Flags -> Hide DB instance -> change it from 

                 No to Yes

                 Click Apply and Ok

STEP -5: Restart the SQL Server Services.

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