Jun 4, 2022

PostgreSQL Basic Commands

Basic Command


psql -d database -U user -W

Connects to a database under a specific user

psql -h host -d database -U user -W

Connect to a database that resides on another host

psql -U user -h host “dbname=db sslmode=require”

Use SSL mode for the connection

\c dbname

Switch connection to a new database


List available databases


List available tables

\d table_name

Describe a table such as a column, type, modifiers of columns, etc.


List all schemes of the currently connected database


List available functions in the current database


List available views in the current database


List all users and their assign roles

SELECT version();

Retrieve the current version of PostgreSQL server


Execute the last command again


Display command history

\s filename

Save the command history to a file

\i filename

Execute psql commands from a file


Know all available psql commands


Get help


Edit command in your own editor


Switch from aligned to non-aligned column output


Switch the output to HTML format


Exit psql shell

Start Stop and Status check

systemctl status postgresql-13.service

systemctl stop postgresql-13.service

systemctl start postgresql-13.service

PG Port Number 

select * from pg_settings where name='port';

Create Database


[ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] db_owner ]

   [ TEMPLATE [=] template ]

   [ ENCODING [=] encoding ]

   [ TABLESPACE [=] tablespace ]


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