Jul 10, 2021

Provisioning a SQL Managed Instance Using the Azure Portal

Azure SQL Managed Instance is intelligent, scalable cloud database service. SQL Managed Instance allows existing SQL Server customers to lift and shift their on-premises applications to the cloud with minimal application and database changes.

To create a SQL Managed Instance, follow these steps:

1. Log in to https://portal.azure.com using your Azure credentials. 

2. In the top search box, type SQL Managed Instance and select SQL managed instances from the dropdown:

3. In the SQL managed instances page, select +Create:

4. In the SQL managed instance page , provide the information:

Subscription: Your subscription.
Resource group: A new or existing resource group
Managed instance name: Any valid name.
Region: The region in which you want to create the managed instance.
Managed instance admin login: Any valid username.
Password: Any valid password.

Select Configure Managed Instance for sizing the compute and storage resources. After final review and selection Apply to save.

To configure networking options by selecting Next: Networking.

5. Fill the information on the Networking page, or keep it with default settings.

To configure more custom settings by selecting next: Additional settings.

Public endpoint: Select Disable (For a managed instance to be accessible through the public data endpoint, you need to Enable this option)

6. Fill the information on the Additional settings page, or keep it with default settings.

To configure the Azure Tags by selecting Next: Tags (recommended).

7. Tags help you logically organize your resources. The tag values show up in cost reports and allow for other management activities by tag.

To review the configuration by selecting Next: Review + create.

8. Select Create to start provisioning the managed instance.


Deploying a managed instance is a long-running operation. The below tables summarize operations and overall durations, based on the category of the operation:


9. Select the Notifications icon and check the status of the deployment.

10. In my case, it took approx. 4 hrs. to successful deployment of a Azure SQL Manages Instance.

Click on Go to resource to view the created resources.

11. To connect to SQL Managed Instance, you need to retrieve the host name and fully qualified domain name. 

Go to Resource group  and select the SQL managed instance.

Click on SQL managed instance -> you can see the host details as in below screenshot.

The value represents a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that can be used to connect to SQL Managed Instance.

                                                             Stay Tuned!!!!!

--By Satish K....

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