Sep 20, 2020

Data Page and Transaction Log Page

Hey guys, In this blog I am going to explain you about Data Page and Transaction Log Page.

Data page-

In SQL Server, the page serves as the basic unit of data storage. A collection of eight physically connected pages is referred to as an extent. Extents aid in effective page management. In all SQL Server versions, the data structures used to manage pages and extents are described in this manual.

Advantages of Data Page-

·      Data processing: It enables us to work with data storage to process them and provide the necessary results.

·      High storage: The SQL server has the capacity to hold a lot of data.

·      Integration with front-end: To provide a method for dynamic data update, it might potentially be integrated with the front-end application.

Transaction Log Page-

Every SQL Server database has a transaction log that keeps track of all transactions and the changes that they make to the database. The database's transaction log is an essential part. You will require that log in order to restore your database to a consistent state in the event of a system failure.

Importance of Transaction Log Page-

When writing data to disc, the database server uses a transaction log to record the fact that a transaction is scheduled to occur as well as the information required to restore the data to a consistent state in the case of a server failure.

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